West Virginia is at the forefront of tackling the opioid epidemic, equipped with a comprehensive network of resources to support those struggling with addiction.
West Virginia is the epicenter of the opioid crisis. Overdoses are literally killing the population of this state faster than anywhere else.
There were nearly 900 opioid-related deaths in 2016 not to mention the overdoses that resulted in EMT, Paramedics, and hospitalizations. We have provided West Virginia resources for you, family members, or friends who need help with addiction. This includes opiates, heroin, and fentanyl.
Delve into a suite of state and federal government initiatives dedicated to curbing the opioid crisis. These resourceful entities offer critical support, from policy guidelines and funding, to treatment and recovery programs. In our shared struggle against addiction, these Government resources underscore our collective strength.
Kimberly A. Walsh, M.P.A., M.S.W., LCSW
Deputy Commissioner
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services
350 Capitol Street-Room 350
Charleston, WV 25301-3702
Phone: (304) 356-4798
Facsimile: (304) 558-1008
Email: [email protected]
Do your research before checking into a rehab facility. Make sure they offer all the services you need to get back to a productive life.
Some facilities may only deal with drug addiction but you may need help with alcohol dependence, depression, or other physical and mental challenges.
NAS affects fetuses who are exposed to opioids while in utero. These babies are born addicted to the drug and need special care.
In the dynamic world of addiction recovery, continuous learning can become your strongest ally. Our goal is to keep you informed and confident in this journey. From the latest research findings to inspiring success stories, this section is continuously updated with articles and content that matter.
Together, let’s stay tuned and keep learning on our journey towards a life free from addiction.
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